Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Herena is crazy , she loves taking our photos now !!! (Picture of snowy)

Hmmm , i'm not sure y but i keep seeing herena holding a square thingy and pointing it at me .
Herena : that is called a camera !
Here are some pictures of snowy ! I will try to update their blog everyday as now i got camera can take many many pictures haha ! Hope that you will like them !!!

snowy in command (sit pretty) my snowy gal !!!
snowy sitting
Haha snowy is sniffing the camera!!!
small eye !!

Pointy ears !!
weird sitting posture !!
snowy looks like a bull terrier !!!
ouch the flash hurts !!

Not sure why but when snowy sees the camera she will sit down or lie down funny !!
Hope you peeps enjoy the pics and give commends okayy
thanks for looking !
Cya !

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